Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ignite Festival

What a blast!! If you missed it, you missed it! The rain on Friday night did not stop any kids from having fun. They rocked out with the bands and danced on their feet all night long. God blessed us with perfect weather on Saturday! I finally got to see Stephanie Smith...
Isn't she adorable!! And mega talented! What a testimony to young girls (and old ones too!). I got my tshirt signed by most of the bands.
You can't imagine the amount of people there. What our church thought would be 1000 people, maybe, turned into an estimated 4,000!!!! How big is our God?!?!? Sunday morning was wonderful this morning. Bread of Stone led worship and boy can those boys worship! You can't help but feel touched by God. If you missed the fun - don't fret - we hope to come back next year and God willing - reach more youth than ever!!!

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